So Friday night was the Olympic's Opening Ceremony and unfortunately, I was scheduled to work at Panago Pizza.
So here's how my Friday night looked....
Ding, dong
(door opens)
Me: Hi! (With a huge smile) How's your night going?
Costumer: Pretty good. Just watching the Open Ceremony.
Me: Oh really? How's that going?
Costumer: Yeah! It's very beautiful!
Me: That's great! Well, enjoy your pizza and the ceremony. Have a good night!
Costumer: You too. :)
(door closes)
Times this by 24 and that's how my night went.
No but to be honest, I had so much fun delivering pizza during the opening ceremony. Every house I went to there was either a family or a group of friend surrounding the TV enjoying the dances and music of the ceremony. It was kind of a community bonding event. It was like everyone in Squamish was so excited and proud to be hosting the Winter Games. And I kind of got to hear about the whole thing. Every house I went to would fill me in on what was happening when I arrived. Everyone was in such a great mood. It was fantastic!
And my boss at Panago put up a big screen TV on the wall of the restaurant so locals could stop by and watch the games. It definitely caught there eyes because it was packed! And there were so many deliveries as well. I was hoping that when I wasn't delivering, I would be able to catch a bit of the games while back at the restaurant but every time I walked through the door, they were handing me two to three more deliveries. hahaha. O well. I plan to watch the rerun on youtube some time this week. But from what I hear, or heard 1000 time from the costumers, it was absolutely amazing.
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