So I thought I'd share some of their ridiculously funny quotes and their translations into North American talk.
- "Who's having kittens?" - "Who is nervous?"
- "I'm going to sit in your grave." - "I'm going to take your seat when you stand up."
- "Are you okay?" - "How are you?" (This one drove me insane for at least 2 months!)
- "A fortnight ago" - "2 weeks ago"
When I think of more, I'll post them. But OMG these were soooo funny to hear. Everytime someone said them, I have to pause a second, think, and be like "wait, what?."
Two of my most memorable experiences here were when I got to visit Edinburgh, Scottland and Galway, Ireland with a group of international students. Here are a few pics:
Edinburgh, Scotland

Galway, Ireland:
I also got to go visit Damalie, a fellow Quester, in Malmo, Sweden where she is doing a study abroad. I was sooo happy to see another person from Quest. It made it feel like home! :)