To start out, I have to say that it was a B-E-A-utiful day! The weather was amazing. I took the bus (a double-decker bus, in fact. Who would have ever thought there would be a double-decker bus in Squamish? hahaha). It didn't take too long to get to Whistler either. Before the Games started, all the locals were concerned that there was going to be so much traffic because of all the tourists and VANOC employees but the bus got there in the same amount of time it would normally take if I was driving.
Just as I reached the steps of the village after getting off the bus, I heard this huge cheer. I rushed down the stairs,
I got there about noon, thinking that the village would be packed with people, just as I saw downtown Vancouver. But to my surprise, it wasn't at all. There were still more people than there normally would be in the middle of the day on a Wednesday but not nearly as much as I had imagined.
During the day, there wasn't that much going on. We just walked around the village, watching the events, and enjoying the nice weather. While walking around, we bumped into a group of French tourist, all dressed up all patriotically. We made sure to get a picture with them. J'aime France!
The real excitement started to happen when The Barenaked Ladies took the stage. I had no idea that they were planning on playing at the Olympics,
Just following the concert, Ian and I were lucky enough to get free tickets into the Victory Ceremony. That's right...FREE! :) I found out that every night, there are standby tickets where people can line up outside the venue and if there are any available seats, they will give them to people for free. It was awesome.
The Victory Ceremony was AMAZING! Of course my camera's battery died just as I was taking the first photo so I had to settle for the camera on my phone. And it was perfect, the first ceremony was for the Ladies Downhill Skiing, in which gold and silver went to the USA. So I got to hear my own national anthem. It was really cool. I also got to hear the Canadian and Russian national anthem for the other event ceremonies. At the end of each of the Victory Ceremonies there is a concert by a big-named band to finish off the night. When I was there, it was Our Lady Peace. I didn't stay very long because the event that I had been waiting all day to see was going on at the same time.

Overall, Whistler was loads of fun! It was definitely a great day. I saw the list of concerts going on for the next week and a half up there and I know I'll be going back up at least two more times (for The Fray and OneRepublic....both from my home town of DENVER!).
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